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Information for our patients

Your Guarantee of Quality

Thank you for entrusting your dental care to a
professional who utilises the high-quality products
in the Avinent Implant System.

Avinent guarantees the quality and traceability of
its entire range of products, which have the following health certifications.
The entire range of Avinent products and services is the result of painstaking R&D conducted by a highly-qualified multidisciplinary scientific team, aided by universities and technology centers.
All Avinent dental implants include Avinent’s patented BIOMIMETIC ADVANCED SURFACE (European patent EP2207914B1). This surface contains calcium and phosphorus, both found in
nature, and guarantee rapid integration with bone tissue.

Hygiene and Dental Care

Good dental hygiene is very important for the longevity, function and maintenance of dental implants and the prosthetic structures they support. Avinent recommends that you observe good oral hygiene practices and have regular dental check-ups.
For further information, consult with your dentist.
Your dentist will advise you on how to look after your implant treatment on a daily basis. The way you care for your implant may vary during the different phases of your dental treatment.

Your dentist will be happy to discuss with you whether you need to use a special toothbrush for areas of your mouth that a normal brush cannot reach, such as the underside and base of the prostheses.
There are specific toothpastes and mouthwashes for every treatment. Ask your dentist which product(s) are right for your situation.
Regular dental check-ups to assess the state of the implant and the health of the supporting tissues are critical to the long-term success of your implant treatment. Discuss a proper schedule with your dentist.

This document only identifies the Avinent implants and/or prostheses used in your treatment. The company does not guarantee that the materials used in your treatment recorded in this document belong to AVINENT. In accordance with Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Digital Rights Guarantee, we hereby notify you that AVINENT IMPLANT SYSTEM, S.L.U. does not hold, nor has it ever held, your personal data.

Information about dental implants

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a titanium piece that replaces the natural root of the tooth. This piece integrates naturally into the bone tissue (osseointegration), supporting the new tooth.

When can they be used?

When a single tooth is missing. An independent implant is placed that does not damage healthy adjacent teeth (unlike older solutions such as bridges).

When several teeth are missing. A bridge supported by implants is placed, a solution that avoids the use of prostheses, which are attached to the neighboring teeth, wear them down and favor the formation of cavities.

When all the teeth are missing. A complete prosthesis is fixed on a certain number of implants and the user’s comfort and safety is guaranteed when chewing, speaking and smiling.

How are the implants placed?

It is very simple and quick. It is performed under local anesthesia, in an am- bulatory way. After a few weeks (from 8 to 24, depending on the patient) a second intervention is performed, also very simple, to attach the prosthesis to the implant.

Can the tooth be applied immediately?

Only the specialist can say whether it is possible to place the prosthesis immediately or in a second phase (from 8 to 24 weeks). It will depend on the type of bone of each patient, the surgical procedure, etc.

Is implant fixation safe?

Implants are the best solution because they are integrated directly into the bone.

How will I feel during the healing time?

Recovery is immediate or very brief. The patient can return to normal life in a short period of time (1 or 2 days). You will only notice the slight discomfort of the scar.

How should I take care of myself?

It is essential that you have a complete dental hygiene systematically and that you keep regular visits to your specialist.

Can I have rejection?

It is very unlikely. Dental implants are made of surgical titanium, a biocompatible, inert and stable material. Millions of implants are placed every year and the results are excellent, with an almost total success rate.

Why Avinent implants?

Avinent has created one of the best implants, with characteristics that favor a faster integration in the bone.

» The success of the surface. Unlike other implants, Avinent has developed a clearly BIOMIMETIC surface, with the incorporation of calcium and phosphorus, elements that favor osseointegration.

Thanks to ambitious research work, Avinent has achieved one of the most prestigious implants on the market. The results support the success of our proposal.

Because for Avinent, the most important thing is that you get your smile back.